Types of Orthotics

Types of Orthotics

Types of Orthotics One of our main goals at Wisconsin Foot Center is to get you back to your favorite activities safely in the shortest possible amount of time. See, patients come to us because they are suffering from some form of foot pain. No matter if the pain...
Preparing for Foot or Ankle Surgery

Preparing for Foot or Ankle Surgery

Preparing for Foot or Ankle Surgery The goal here at Wisconsin Foot Center is always to exhaust conservative (non-surgical) treatment options when caring for any foot or ankle problem you might be experiencing. Fortunately, non-surgical care is often quite effective...
When Should Your Child See a Podiatrist?

When Should Your Child See a Podiatrist?

When Should Your Child See a Podiatrist? Whether or not your child needs to see a podiatrist is something you might wonder when a son or daughter is having foot or ankle issues. On one hand, early treatment and intervention for certain medical conditions can prevent...
How Gait Affects Foot Health

How Gait Affects Foot Health

How Gait Affects Foot Health Even though it sounds like a highly technical term, “biomechanics” simply refers to the way that living beings (including you) move. Every one of us relies on countless biomechanical processes to do, well, pretty much everything we do on a...
How Custom Orthotics Help Foot Pain

How Custom Orthotics Help Foot Pain

How Custom Orthotics Help Foot Pain As with any profession, podiatrists use many different “tools” to achieve results for you. Naturally, the specific tool we use depends on the task at hand (or, more accurately, foot!). Custom orthotics are one such option that...
Why Your Heel Hurts After Exercise

Why Your Heel Hurts After Exercise

Why Your Heel Hurts After Exercise There are always an abundance of exercise and physical activity options in southeastern Wisconsin no matter the season. With summer finally upon us, though, more Wisconsinites are running, playing rec sports, and just getting...